Mortgage Feedback

Thank you for choosing to partner with Integrated Mortgage Planners (IMP), where my goal is to provide you with expert advice in a professional and courteous manner at all times. To help me monitor my performance, and to identify any areas for improvement, I’d be grateful if you would take a moment to complete our confidential customer survey.

Client First Name(s)(Required)

Please check one answer for each question:

1. How courteous were the Integrated Mortgage Planners staff that you dealt with?
2. How confident were you in the knowledge of the mortgage planner you dealt with?
3. How well did we keep you updated on the progress of your application?
4. How easy was it for you to contact us to discuss your application?
5. How efficiently did you feel that your application was dealt with?
6. If a problem occurred, did we rectify it satisfactorily?
7. How helpful did you find the information provided on our website and blog? (please use the comments section at the end of the survey to expand on any areas you feel could be improved)
8. Thinking about the overall level of service we provided, is Integrated Mortgage Planners a company that you would recommend to friends and family?
9. Lastly, if you required a new mortgage, would you consider using us again?
10. In my business, Google testimonials are like gold. If you are willing to provide one, please click on the button provided (and a big thanks in advance if you take the time to do this)

Thank you for completing the survey. Your feedback is very much appreciated!

Best regards,
David Larock