Today's Mortgage Rates

Standard rates are for fully-featured mortgages that come with 120-day rate holds and excellent terms and conditions.

Promotional rates may come with shorter rate holds and may include more limited terms an conditions.
Standard Rates
(Purchase Price < $1 million)
Fixed Terms Rate
1 YR 6.24%
2 YR 5.14%
3 YR 4.19%
4 YR 4.44%
5 YR 4.19%
7 YR 4.49%
10 YR 5.24%
Variable Terms Rate
5 YR 4.45%
Line of Credit 5.70%
Promotional Rates
(Purchase Price < $1 million)
Terms  Rate
3 YR Fixed (HR) 4.09%
5 YR Fixed (HR) 4.09%
5 YR Variable (HR) 4.25%


I am constantly offered rate promotions and specials by dozens of competitive lenders, so my rates can change daily or even hourly. The bottom line is that I have access to the best deals going and more importantly, I understand that helping you choose the right mortgage, based on your customized needs, will have the greatest impact on your financial success over time.

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