Mortgage Calculators
My mortgage calculators are designed to help you answer the most important questions surrounding your mortgage planning and we have organized them by transaction type.
For a demonstration of how each calculator works, click on "View Video Demo” after opening and I will talk you through how to use each tool to its fullest.

1. How much can I qualify for?" - This tool takes your basic financial information and uses it to forecast the maximum mortgage amount you can qualify for.
2. What is my mortgage payment? - This calculator lets you play with different mortgage features and combinations.
3. What are my closing costs? - This one-of-a-kind calculator will give you a reasonable estimate of what your closing costs are likely to be.
4. Bridge Loan Calculator - This tool helps borrowers who are both buying and selling figure out how much they can secure in bridge financing, and at what cost.
1. Where does my money go? - This basic budgeting tool helps you get a picture of how you earn money and how you spend it. It is a useful step, even for experienced borrowers.
2. How much can I save by refinancing? - Use this tool to calculate how much money you will save by refinancing into a mortgage with a lower rate (payout penalty not included).
3. What is my estimated payout penalty? - This calculator will help you estimate what your early payout penalty is likely to be.
4. How much can I save by consolidating my debts into my mortgage? - Use this tool to calculate how much you can save by combining all of your debts in to one consolidated mortgage loan.
1. How much can I save by renewing with a different lender? - Use this tool to calculate how much money you will save by renewing with a different lender at a lower rate.