February 22, 2021 Last updated on February 22, 2021Categories Monday Morning Mortgage Rate UpdatesCanadian Fixed Mortgage Rates Are About to RiseIn today’s post I explain why fixed mortgage rates are heading higher and offer advice to borrowers on how to navigate the current environment.
November 16, 2020 Last updated on November 16, 2020Categories Monday Morning Mortgage Rate UpdatesHave Canadian Mortgage Rates Bottomed?The recent run-up in the GoC bond yields that Canadian fixed mortgage rates are priced on raises an important question: Have mortgage rates bottomed?
September 21, 2020 Last updated on September 21, 2020Categories Monday Morning Mortgage Rate UpdatesWhen Will Canadian Mortgage Rates Rise?The Bank of Canada says that rates are going to stay low for a "long time". But how long is a "long time"? Today's post offers my take.
August 10, 2020 Last updated on August 10, 2020Categories Monday Morning Mortgage Rate UpdatesFixed or Variable? Mortgage Rate Forecast: COVID-19 EditionIt's been a wild rate for Canadian mortgage rates of late and in today's post we take a fresh look at the fixed vs. variable question.
July 20, 2020 Last updated on July 22, 2020Categories Monday Morning Mortgage Rate UpdatesThe Bank of Canada’s Surprising Admission That Ultra-Low Mortgage Rates Are Here to StayLast week the Bank of Canada took the unusual step of declaring that low rates are here to stay. Today’s post offers my take.
July 13, 2020 Last updated on July 13, 2020Categories Monday Morning Mortgage Rate UpdatesWhy Our Record Employment Gains Aren’t Impacting Mortgage RatesToday's post explains why our recent record employment growth hasn't impacted our mortgage rates and likely won't for some time yet.
July 6, 2020 Last updated on July 6, 2020Categories Monday Morning Mortgage Rate UpdatesThe Must-Have Mortgage Toolkit for Every Home BuyerToday's post offers links to posts and calculators that will benefit anyone who is actively looking to purchase a home.
July 20, 2017 Last updated on August 10, 2023Categories First-time Home Buyers OpinionDocumentation: Refinance & Renewal Transactions for Self-Employed BorrowersHere is a summary of the documentation lenders will typically require from self-employed borrowers on refinance and renewal transactions.